Privacy Policy

Information we hold about you

The personal information that we collect includes, but is not limited to, your name, date of birth, email address, phone number, payment details and your fitness goals. In some circumstances you may have provided information pertaining to medical conditions that our trainers are required to know about.

How we collect this

  • By filling in an online for when requesting a free trial
  • In normal correspondence such as emails, WhatsApp or text messages
  • When providing payment details for the purpose of setting up a membership direct debit

How we use your personal information

We only collect, use and hold personal information which is relevant for becoming and member of Quit the Gym and achieving your fitness goals.

How we protect your information

The information that you provide is stored as emails in a secure gmail for business account.
Emails sent by you to email addresses in the qtg domain may be backed up and retained indefinitely – this is necessary for record keeping and it is normal business practice.

Any physical paperwork is stored in a secure file. This is retained for the period of your membership plus up to 3 years after your membership has expired.

Quit the Gym do not store any of your payment details.

Monthly membership payment details are stored in a secure payment processing system provided by GoCardless. Their privacy statement is available here.

Voucher members and trial users must register with Gymcatch which is a leading booking and customer management system for the fitness industry. Their privacy statement is available here.

If you use PayPal for your payment method, then no payment information is stored by QtG.

Disclosure of information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • In the event that the business or its assets are acquired by a third party
  • If we are required to do so by law
  • In order to securely process payments

Other communications and information sharing

WhatsApp Group

Upon becoming a member you will be added to a Quit the Gym WhatsApp group. This is a private group administered by Kath Beesley and is a primary channel used for regular conversations and photo sharing between QtG members. This group contains current members, some ex-members who have requested to stay in touch and friends of Quit the Gym.

You may leave this WhatsApp group at any time by selecting “Group Info” and then “Exit Group” from the WhatsApp app on your phone. If you are not able to do this, then please email and ask to be removed from the group.


Photos and videos are often taken during classes and on group activities, for example it is traditional for a group photo to be taken after each class to record attendance. This is shared shortly after the class on the Quit the Gym WhatsApp group. In addition, photos and videos taken during classes or other group activities are shared on other social media platforms such as the Quit the Gym Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter accounts and the QtG website.

By attending classes, other group activities and by posing for group photos your permission is implicitly given unless you tell us otherwise. Please email if you do not wish for your photo image to be used in this way. Please avoid posing for the final photo and please also tell your QtG instructor during each session that you do not wish your photo to be shared.

Zoom Recordings

Classes hosted on Zoom may be recorded and subsequently shared with members for offline viewing. By attending online classes, your permission is implicitly given unless you tell us otherwise. If a class is being recorded you will be able to see the “recording” icon in the Zoom window. Please turn off your camera if you do not wish to be visible in a recording or ask the instructor if it would be possible to suspend the recording.

Please email if you have concerns about a specific Zoom recording. You must supply the date and time of the class (as we cannot watch all recordings in order to identify attendance).

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Quit the Gym has public Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts which you may choose to follow and/or share and/or “like” content. Photos taken in the sessions are posted to one or more of these social media channels. If you do not wish your photo to be shared, please clearly let the QtG instructor know during each session, ask them to delete any photos taken of you and please do not pose for the final photo. (see “Photography”)


By signing up to a free trial or by becoming a QtG member, we will contact you from time to time via a newsletter for the purpose of sharing information about upcoming events, timetable changes, promotions from Quit the Gym and our partners, health advice and general news.

Your name and email address is shared with MailChimp in order to send these newsletters. To view the MailChimp privacy policy, please click here.

You may unsubscribe from Mailchimp newsletters at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each newsletter. If you are unable to do this, then please email and ask to be unsubscribed from the newsletter.

Your rights

You have the rights to access and amend your personal information at any time.

Contact us if your personal information changes, if you no longer wish to receive newsletters you have signed up for, or you wish for your information to be deleted, or to review or delete any copies of personal information we hold about you.

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We reserve the right to update this policy as required. This policy was last updated on 01 Apr 2024.